Oral Health

South Dakota Gov. Under Fire for Promoting Texas Dentist in Viral Video


South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem is facing backlash and criticism after posting a five-minute video testimonial praising the dental practice Smile Texas for the cosmetic work she received.

Many people found it strange that Noem would post such an infomercial-style video and the fact that she travelled to a practice in Texas rather than having her work done in the state she is governor. Now, the situation is being investigated for it’s ethicality.

CNN reported that Noem is facing a lawsuit from the consumer advocacy group Travelers United, “accusing Noem of doing an ‘undisclosed advertisement’ for Smile Texas.”

CityNews recently reported that a democratic legislator is also calling for an inquiry into the video.

Questions surround whether state funds were used for the trip to Texas and whether the dental work was discounted in exchange for the testimonial.

Read more on the situation from CityNews.

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