Oral Health

RCDSO Releases Findings for Former Barrie Dentist Guilty of Misconduct


Findings have been released by the Royal College of Dental Surgeons regarding a former Barrie dentist, Dr. Adam Chapnick, who was found guilty of misconduct.

Two investigations took place by the College concerning events beginning in 2015, reported CTV News recently. He was found guilty of “disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional and unethical conduct” and stripped of his licence for five years.

The RCDSO ruled that he performed a number of unethical behaviours, such as inappropriately prescribing drugs to a number of patients, including his girlfriend at the time. Since Chapnick also treated said girlfriend, sexual abuse was found among the allegations against him.

“The College says it has stringent guidelines for members treating spouses governed by the Health Professions Act, stating they must be married or living together for three years,” reports CTV News, a good reminder for all dentists.

Read the full report from CTV News.

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