Oral Health

Nunavut Will Benefit Less From the CDCP Compared to the Rest of Canada


Nunavut does not have enough resources to benefit from the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) as much as the rest of Canada, reported Nunatsiaq News.

They spoke with Nunavut NDP MP Lori Idlout who says there are not enough dentists in the territory for the CDCP to have much of an impact and Nunavut Health Minister John Main agreed.

Nunavut already has a federal non-insured health benefits program that provides dental benefits for eligible Inuit, which helps most of the territory, and it is not clear whether the new federal program coverage can be stacked with the pre-existing program or not.

Dr. Steven Partyka, president of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut Dental Association and operator of a private clinic in Iqaluit, said he has not signed up, joining the 19,000+ oral health providers who haven’t registered across the country.

Read the full story from Nunatsiaq News.

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