Oral Health

Health Minister Committed to Changing CDCP Reimbursement Double Standard


Health Minister Mark Holland has voiced his concern regarding the reimbursement discrepancy between independent hygienists and those working in a dentist’s office.

“I haven’t been convinced by the rationale defending it,” he said on Tuesday.

The Canadian Dental Hygienists Association (CDHA) has been vocal on its concerns regarding the fee guide for the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) that launched this month. Dental hygienists that work independently are being reimbursed approximately 15 percent less for the same services that are being done in dentist offices.

The Canadian Press shared that these guides were inspired by the pre-existing federal benefit program for Indigenous Peoples.

The Health Minister has now committed to looking into making a change, although there is no timeline on this yet. But he had made it clear that dental hygienists are vital in the success of the CDCP, especially in rural areas that do not have as many dentists.

Read the full press release from the Canadian Press.

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