Oral Health

Gums Rock: Help Gen Z Embrace Gum Health


Gum Health Day 2024, a campaign led by European Federation of Periodontology (EFP), is being celebrated worldwide on May 12 to raise awareness of the importance of gum health for overall wellness.

This year, with the slogan “Gums rock,” the EFP is primarily targeting young people with its message. Teens and young adults are particularly susceptible to gum disease and oral health issues with the increased stress levels they experience and sugary foods they eat.

“We felt that we needed to target Gum Health Day 2024 at young people, as they are not necessarily aware of the role played by their gum health in their overall health, so they may feel less concerned about them,” explains Dr. Mia Rakic, Gum Health Day 2024 co-ordinator.

Take the month of May to focus on your younger patients to ensure you are educating them on how important their gum health is to their future. Let’s celebrate the work of periodontists and all the work they do!

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