Health care

Foods That Make You Go…ZING! 6 Foods for Big Energy

Sometimes it feels like no matter how long you sleep, how short you sleep, how much coffee you drink (or don’t drink), YOU’RE ALWAYS TIRED. Us too. Especially when it comes to the 3pm slump when nothing sounds better than a midday nap on the couch.

Well, thanks to science, there is evidence that your energy lack can be remedied by changing up your meals. Yay for new foods and not having to brew yet another cup of coffee (or take a questionable supplement from a movie star’s wellness site).

All foods give you energy, of course (spoiler alert: the word ‘energy’ is another name for calories), but certain foods containing sugar and simple carbohydrates will give you that thirty-minute rush and inevitable crash. This is well-established.

But there are other foods that don’t just give you a quick boost and quicker crash. We’re talking about the ones that actually keep you awake and alert throughout your afternoons (also see our recipe for Vegan Date and Super Seed Energy Bars, they are delicious and simple to make). You want Zooms, not zzz’s. (Well, maybe you want neither. We understand.)

The 6 Need to Know Foods for Big Energy

  1. Bananas: Okay so maybe the tour-de-France guys were on to something here. This sweet fruit actually slows the digestion of sugar (incredible), giving you sustained energy over a longer period of time.
  2. Avocados: Thank you to all the scientists who knew we needed this one! We’ve all heard that avocados provide “healthy fats,” but avocados also help fat-soluble vitamins be more accessible to your body.
  3. Salmon: Here’s the justification for your expensive sushi rolls for lunch. Salmon is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which improve brain function and reduce inflammation, which, in turn, reduces fatigue.
  4. Quinoa: Hello carbs, you are good and we love you! Quinoa is actually a seed disguised as a delicious grain. It’s high in protein, complex carbohydrates, and fiber, and its amino acid combo releases carbs slowly into your body for all-day energy.
  5. Chickpeas: Legumes like chickpeas actually manage the digestion of carbohydrates in your body (that’s a sentence we like to hear), so your body stays full longer and sustains energy throughout the day.
  6. Dark Chocolate: Dark chocolate can do everything. (It’s science.) Beyond being delicious, satisfying our period cravings, and sparking overall joy, dark chocolate helps pump more blood around your body, which means more oxygen for your body, which means more energy for you.

Let’s talk breakfast.

With these foods in your arsenal, it’s time to consider the morning meal. For a menu that promises long-lasting energy, look no further!

For savory breakfast-lovers…

This breakfast bowl has 4 energy foods to balance blood sugar and keep your energy up all, day long. 

Image via Kate Gavlick

Breakfast Bowl with Magic Green Sauce

Energy enhancing ingredients:

✓ Eggs

✓ Greens

✓ Avocado

✓ Quinoa

Savory Pesto Quinoa Breakfast Bowl

Energy enhancing ingredients:

✓ Eggs

✓ Greens

✓ Avocado

✓ Quinoa

For sweet breakfast-lovers…

Oatmeal for breakfast is a great tool to support your energy. Watch the video on how to make it

Kate Gavlick

Oatmeal Bowl

Energy enhancing ingredients:

✓ Oats

✓ (We’ll allow an extra dark chocolate square topping on this one)

Almond Butter Toast

Energy enhancing ingredients:

✓ Almonds

✓ Bananas

Option: Swap almond butter for Greek yogurt (another energy booster)

On to lunches and dinners.

Salmon paired with a kale salad is a mediterranean inspired recipe to keep your energy up. 

Salmon Burger Kale Salad

Energy enhancing ingredients:

✓ Salmon

✓ Quinoa

✓ Egg

✓ Kale

Vegan Veggie Bowl

Energy enhancing ingredients:

✓ Quinoa

✓ Avocado

✓ Kale

Option: Add some hummus on top to get those chickpea benefits!

Chickpea Salad

Energy enhancing ingredients:

✓ Chickpeas

✓ Avocado

Option: Add a base of quinoa or a topping of grilled salmon for extra protein

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