Oral Health

A Natural Toothpaste Containing 25% Xylitol Showed Promising Antibacterial Cariogenic Effect

The study A prospective longitudinal cohort study of the effectiveness of 25% xylitol toothpaste on mutans streptococci in high caries-risk young children published in the September issue (24/3-2023) of the European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry concluded,A domestic strategy using a natural toothpaste containing 25% of xylitol as a vehicle, and tooth brushing as a habit, showed a promising antibacterial cariogenic effect. This approach could be a relevant alternative to in-home care to prevent ECC and early SM contamination.”

This pear-reviewed study was the foundation of the unique X-PUR Cari0 Plus toothpaste developed by Canadian cardiologist Dr. Jacques Véronneau and launched by Oral Science in 2017.

View the full study.

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