Oral Health

USask Plans to Establish a Premier Dental Training Hub


The University of Saskatchewan’s (USask) College of Dentistry has plans to become “the beacon of dental education” in Canada as they focus on modernization and innovation with major renovations, cutting-edge equipment and program expansions.

This renovation project plans to transform the college’s facilities with its $22 million budget by creating a centralized student hub. Plans of adopting augmented reality simulators are also in place to provide students with immersive training for clinical procedures.

“This significant step forward will position us as the premier dental college in Canada, boasting state-of-the-art facilities that not only enhance the learning experience of our students but also ensure our patients receive the best dental care possible,” said Dr. Walter Siqueira (DDS, PhD), the dean of the College of Dentistry.

Read more about these plans from USask.

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