Oral Health

Data Reveals Patients Find Comfort in Dental AI


VideaHealth announced the results of new research which found more than 90 percent of consumers surveyed agree that untreated oral issues, such as cavities and unhealthy gums, directly impact overall physical health and risk of disease, suggesting that public health campaigns designed to raise awareness of the long-term impact of oral disease on overall health are working.

However, there is a gaping disconnect between awareness and action. Despite recent and repeated warnings from the World Health OrganizationCenters for Disease Control and PreventionAmerican Heart Association, the American Stroke Association and many others, a majority of Americans (81%) surveyed have questioned or hesitated to commit to a treatment their dentist suggested. In fact, nearly one-third (31%) won’t get dental treatment altogether until the pain is too great to manage or just ignore problems completely.

While it is hard to imagine someone refusing to treat conditions ranging from a broken ankle to heart disease, that is exactly what Americans are doing when it comes to their oral health. The top reasons given for questioning or hesitating to commit to a suggested treatment include cost (53%), fear or pain (28%), and because the problem does not seem too painful or problematic (18%).  

Dental AI moves consumers toward action

An earlier study demonstrated that the majority of consumers are uncomfortable with AI in healthcare. However, the data suggests a much greater interest in and comfort with AI in dentistry. Nearly half of those polled are open to the use of dental AI if it could either help catch issues early or if it could reduce the need for more invasive treatment in the future. 

When informed that AI could see things on a dental X-ray that a dentist could not detect with the naked eye, six out of 10 (59%) said they would be more likely to take their dentist’s recommendation with the percentage even higher for Baby Boomers at nearly seven out of 10 (65%). Consistency across geography, education level and gender shows widespread agreement among consumers. 

Read the full press release.

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